Creating a Fundlify campaign is easy, it only takes a few minutes to set up, but first, it's important to know the goal you'd like to achieve with each campaign.

Setting up your goals

From the main Dashboard; click on Start a campaign.

In the Campaign Goals section, select your campaign purpose; 

Fundlify has 3 funding types (Campaign purposes):

Raise Money

The amount of money required to successfully fund your campaign.

  • Fund product / collection launches.
  • Fund creative projects.
  • Fund an initial production run.

Take Pre-orders

The total number of pre-orders that you define as your goal.

  • Launch group buying deals.
  • Fund multiple production runs.
  • Offer pre-orders for out of stock products.

Flash Sale

Offer a short-term discount on a limited quantity product.

  • Clear available stock.
  • Increase conversion rate.
  • Increase brand awareness.

You can define the lifetime of each campaign to Open or Limited;

  • Open: An open campaign doesn't end on a specific date, it ends automatically when the campaign Commits goal is reached. However; you can end your campaign manually anytime.

  • Limited: A limited campaign has a deadline and ends on a specific date. However; you can end your campaign manually anytime.


Campaign name

Next, enter your campaign title and subtitle.

Campaign settings

Before you go ahead and set your targets, it's a good idea to learn more about commits click here

Select whether you want to enable or disable the Commits phase. In this example, we've selected Take Pre-orders campaign goal, and we've enabled Commits for this campaign, from this point, you can enter your Target number of Commits and Target number of Pre-orders. 

Commits; a phase where backers commit their support to your campaign only with their email instead of actually pulling their credit card out and pre-ordering. The Commits phase helps you eliminate refunds, assess product demand, and make informed and timely production decisions, which leads to less production waste and increases efficiency.

During the Commits phase, only emails are collected, and during the Pre-orders phase, payments are processed and collected.

In both phases (Commits and Pre-orders); orders are recorded (variant & quantity). 

It's worth mentioning that "Quantity per customer" setting plays a significant role in the number of products you need to fulfill, for example; if you set the quantity per customer to 3 items, it's then possible that your backers may order 1, 2 or 3 items when they checkout, and therefore if your Target number of Pre-orders is set to 100 then it's a possibility that you need to produce or have in-stock 100 to 300 products.

- Check "Start the pre-orders phase when the target number of commits is reached." if you want to automatically start the pre-order phase when you hit your commits goal. Uncheck this option if you want to continue taking commits beyond your target commits goal. Please note that you can manually start pre-orders anytime you wish.

- Check "Enable direct checkout during pre-order phase" if you want to direct users to the Shopify default checkout. If you Uncheck this option; All pre-orders will be initially recorded in the View orders in your campaign editor. When the campaign ends, draft orders for all pre-orders will be created at once and will appear in Drafts on your Shopify store. At the same time, a “Complete your pre-order” email notification will be sent out to all backers - but you may choose to skip sending an end campaign notification if you intend to customize your drafts before sending them to your backers.

This process allows you to get the full benefits of draft orders, like customizing drafts before you send them to your backers, you can for example; 

  • Add a custom item.
  • Add or remove items from your draft.
  • Add pre-order discount per item. 
  • Add a general draft order discount.
  • Add free shipping or apply additional shipping charges.
  • Charge or remove taxes.
  • Edit customer details.
  • Edit shipping / billing details.
  • Email invoices with a custom message.
  • Accept In-store pickups (Allow backer to collect their pre-orders from your store)
  • Accept Cash-on-delivery (Allow backers to pay by cash in-store or on delivery)

- Check "End campaign when the target number of pre-orders is reached" if you want to automatically end your campaign when you reach your pre-order target, please note that depending on the type of campaign you choose, this option may not be editable. When unchecked, you will be able to continue taking pre-orders beyond your target.

- Check "Activate requests when the campaign ends" to provide users a way to request a campaign to come back. it helps you assess if your product is still in demand, you can then decide to relaunch your campaign. Unchecking this option won't activate requests.

Campaign product

Click on Select a product button, you'll be presented with a popup listing your store's published products. You can select a product and its variants, but don't worry, a copy of your the original product will be created and linked with your campaign, by default, the original product will be automatically hidden from all sales channels, you may also choose to keep the original product published.


Campaign image

Adding a campaign image is required, it will be used as the main image of your campaign when creating a collection.

The maximum image dimension must not exceed 3840 pixels for either height or width. For example, you can upload an image size of 3000h x 1200w pixels, but you can't upload an image size of 4000h x 1200w pixels or 600h x 3900w pixels.

The image you upload will fit itself visually in the center of the frame shown above, but don't worry, your image won't be cropped, it will be masked, this means that when you create a collection, your campaign image will fit itself responsively to the dimensions of your selected template and Image hight setting as shown below:

Campaign notes

Campaign notes are a way to keep your users updated when they visit your campaign page. You can update your message anytime.

Product owner/ designer

You can optionally add more details about your campaign such as project owner (designer, maker or brand), and an external link. This info will appear on your campaign page. 

Eligible customers

You have two options for eligible customers; Everyone and Select group of customers. Choose Everyone if you want all users (guests and logged in users) to be able to view your campaign. Choose Select group of customers if you want to enable a group of customers to view your campaign. Please note that this only applies for logged in users.


There are two email notification events; when pre-orders start and when campaigns end (pre-orders end). You can choose to enable automatic emails sending for both events, you can manually send those notifications any time you need by clicking on the "Send notification" button. 

Sometimes the notification checkbox and notification button are disabled, this is due to whether you've enabled / disabled commits feature, and also the phase your campaign is at.

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